Heel Slides are a great way to strengthen the deep core system. Try these 5 Heel Slide progressions to help you get stronger postpartum.
![[EXERCISE SPOTLIGHT]: 5 Heel Slide Progressions to Help You Get Stronger Postpartum](https://www.laurajawad.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Heel-Slide-progressions-1.jpg)
Heel Slides are a great way to strengthen the deep core system. Try these 5 Heel Slide progressions to help you get stronger postpartum.
The hip hinge is the pattern behind the deadlift, the kettlebell swing… hell, it’s the pattern behind bending over and lifting something off the floor. Learn HOW to hip hinge or improve your technique!
Do squats hurt your knees? Do they feel goofy. Just don’t like em? Try these 3 tricks to help you find a stronger and more comfortable squat.
Squats and hip hinge movments (deadlifts!) are fundamental movement patterns that every human should learn. Essesntial skills for lifting & living well!
After pregnancy, your body is working hard to recover from childbirth and adjust to parenthood. Choose “Big Rock” healthy habits to support strong muscles, help with the healing process post-birth and help ease mental stress of being a new parent.
No single exercise will “fix” every Diastasis, but exercise is an important part rehabbing every rehabilitative strategy.
This chapter may not be one of strength, at least of the type that can be measured in pounds pressed overhead. But it IS possible to find a strength practice that honors what your body is fighting, lifts you up and energizes you.
Posture changes dramatically during pregnancy and these changes persist postpartum. Change up your pregnnacy or pospartum posture with this easy hack.
Small efforts add up. Action begets motivation. And consistency is the foundation of an exercise habit that will keep you exercising into the future!
To advocate for our own healthcare, to understand and consent to medical procedures performed on our bodies, we need to be able to name our anatomy.