In the human body, asymmetry isn’t an injury. But it does matter (especially during pregnancy and postpartum!). By understanding and embracing your side-to-side strength and mobility differences, you can learn to move better, stronger and reduce your risk of injury.
Breast Cancer During Pregnancy: Here’s What You Should Know
Learn how to protect yourself from a small, but elevated risk of breast cancer during pregnancy and in the immediate years postpartum.
From Bump To Babe: 3 Reasons To Walk Everyday
Discover the top reasons to walk everyday- Learn how walking impacts your pregnancy and postpartum and how to get started.
Strong Glutes, Healthy Pelvic Floor: It Starts With The Feet!
If you want to re-connect to your body after pregnancy, take your shoes off.
5 (Avoidable) Risks Of Exercising Too Soon Postpartum
Enjoy a strong, injury-free return to exercise by avoiding these 5 risks of exercising too soon postpartum
Butt Gripping, Back Pain And Bladder Leaks
Chronic butt gripping can lead to bladder leaks and back pain. Check out these 5 tips to help you learn to let em go.
360 breathing vs Belly Breathing: What’s the difference?
360 Breathing is more than just Belly Breathing. Learn HOW to get a great 360 Breath and WHY it’s worth a little extra effort.
Postpartum Rib Flare: This Is Why Your Bra Feels Tighter
Bra fitting tighter after your pregnancy? Sticky-out ribs?? Trouble reaching overhead? You might be experiencing postpartum rib flare. Here’s what you can do to address this very common consideration.
How Pregnancy Changes Your Pelvis And Why It Matters
Let’s dig into HOW pregnancy changes your pelvis, WHY you should care and HOW you can restore great movement to your pelvis and pelvic floor.
How To Prepare For Postpartum [Core & Pelvic Floor Edition]
Learn how to prepare for postpartum during pregnancy. This is your action plan for long-term pelvic health and a strong physical recovery.