Wondering how to choose the best pre and postnatal fitness certification? Learn from my experience and my top 4 recommendations.

Wondering how to choose the best pre and postnatal fitness certification? Learn from my experience and my top 4 recommendations.
Exercise, lifting weights- it’s not optional. It’s not trivial. It’s not a “nice-to-have”. It’s essential to ensuring women live long, healthy, vibrant lives.
Strengthening your lower abs after pregnancy takes more than crunches and sit-ups. Learn my favorite way to “hack” the lower abs with 3 simple exercises.
Here’s my case for working up to “heavy” strength training postpartum. And spoiler, “heavy” doesn’t mean the same thing for everyone.
Explore advanced pelvic floor exercises tailored for postpartum athletes. Learn 6 ways to advance your pelvic floor exercises as you bridge rehab and sport.
Physical therapy and personal training have different aims and approaches. Together, they’re your dream team to help you achieve your goals.
If you’re holding a kegel while you run, let it go! Read on to learn more about running and your pelvic floor and what you SHOULD do instead.
If you’re wondering how to relieve your postpartum back pain, look no further than your breath, your movement mechanics and your core strength.
Exercise tips for postpartum perfectionists: Don’t let your drive for perfection get in the way of starting a perfectly imperfect exercise habit.
The hip shift exercise builds healthy hips and strong glutes to support great mobility during your childbearing year and beyond.